Marana - tha
Maran - atha
Maranatha is an Aramaic word that can have two different meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
It can mean both, “Our Lord has come!” and “Lord, come!”

The word “maranatha” was used by the early disciples as a prayer and a declaration. A declaration of the fact that Yeshua did indeed come - the Word made flesh who stepped down from his throne and dwelled among us in order to reconcile us to the Father. His physical death and resurrection became our eternal source of salvation and our means of becoming children of God.
With this new identity, our new position with God as his beloved children, “maranatha” becomes our prayer that our Lord would indeed come again, restoring all things. We are assured that our time is short, and our mission is to prepare his bride, the Church, for his return.
Our goal is to teach people about the worthiness or Yeshua, provoking them to live surrendered lives before him and to experience fullness in relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit. He came to reveal the heart of God and his true intention for the people he created - healing and wholeness in our heart, mind, body, and relationships - so that we can know him, love him, and glorify him forever. Maranatha Heart exists to draw you into the intimacy with God that makes that possible!
Life and life abundantly in Yeshua.
Here are a few of the ways we are doing this now. Our desire is that this will expand into new avenues as we venture forth with Yahweh.
Learn more by clicking a link below:
Hello from Sophie!
This is also the official new site for my blog, where I share spiritual truths through my own experience of doing this thing called “life” with Jesus. I have copied most of my entries from my old site, and will continue the journey here. Visit the blog page to read more!