Poplar Bluff

My dearest friends,

I type this blog as I sit in one of Poplar Bluff’s only sit-down coffee shops - quite a change of pace even from Springfield. We moved to this area just a week ago, and I’ve checked out a few of the local farmer’s markets and produce stands and have been enjoying raw milk from a local farm and fresh eggs from the chickens in our backyard every day. From what I’ve seen on social media, this seems to be the dream many Americans have been longing for in recent times - sustainable living away from the hustle and bustle of city life. For me, it feels more like something I was thrust into by the will of God himself. Indeed, I do give him praise for this. He knows me.

See, I was raised in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida. I could walk to our local mall and get to Disney World or the beach, depending on the direction, in forty-five minutes or less. Since then, I’ve lived in Birmingham, Alabama (which I thought was small at the time), Raleigh, North Carolina, and most recently, Springfield, Missouri (which I thought was even smaller).

Poplar Bluff is about a tenth of the size of Springfield.

These may seem like trivial details to some, but I share all of this because my heart burns, yet again, to share about surrender to the Lord. Surrender and obedience - two topics that will dominate every corner of influence the Lord gives me to speak on throughout this life. In a world that screams,
“Follow your heart!”
“Life is what you make it!” and,
” Chase your dreams!”
Yeshua speaks of another way. He tells us to enter by the narrow gate. To deny ourselves, pick up our crosses, and follow him. He says that those he calls friends are those who do what he says (keep his commands). He flips the script once again as he introduces us to a kingdom so far removed from the world that we so tangibly live and dwell in. We are to lay down our fleshly, earthly lives in order to obtain this new life in him - life eternal. And surrender is the way in.

Nolan and I had announced a few months ago that we were moving to Nashville, Tennessee. Another big city bustling with opportunities. We had godly reasons for going there. Church community. Ministry opportunities. Career advancement. These are all great things. Yet as the day approached for us to make the move, we continued to feel unsettled about the decision. Were we going in our own wisdom and strength? Was this his desire for us in this time, or did we simply get ahead of God in the face of our own pursuits, preferences, and ambitions?

So, as we continued to seek God’s voice, he redirected us to Poplar Bluff, Missouri, a small country town a few hours away from Springfield. I have genuine excitement and anticipation about what this season holds for us here, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t come without surrender and sacrifice. Really, although I have moved a lot and many probably assume I enjoy this kind of activity in my life and even choose it, that’s not always the case. Moving is hard. For someone so wired for depth in relationship, it is always a sacrifice to be uprooted time and time again, leaving sweet, intimate friendships behind. Each move I have made has instead been out of obedience to the Father. He has led me well.

To be honest, Poplar Bluff would not be my first preference. Moving frequently would not be my preference. Probably, my own preferences would take me somewhere surrounded by children in Africa or a fun make-believe beach town close to a big city where Summer lasts all year (two very different things, yes, I know).
Yet, there is so much more JOY in following Yeshua! He is worth every surrender as I lay down my preferences and choose to walk in the way he has chosen for me instead. He is a trustworthy Shepherd and I know that I could never choose better for myself. So again, I follow.

He has called us all as believers to walk in this kind of surrender, forsaking our own desires to lay hold of his - simply for his glory because he alone is worthy! If we can grab hold of this Truth and let it lead us - that he is worthy of our everything - and be determined to not care what it looks like to the world around us, we will have done well. He will take us further than we could ever bring ourselves.

” Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” -Matthew 7:13-14

” Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” -Matthew 7:21

” You are my friends if you do what I command you.” -John 15: 14

” And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose is, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” -Matthew 10:38


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The Fruit of The Womb