
Roots grow in the dark and in the deep.

A prayer for seeking the deeper depths of God, in the stillness.

“And the surviving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward.” 2 Kings 19:30

Still my soul, Jesus, like the quiet of the morning before day breaks forth into sound.

Keep me in the stillness of the silence, where all I need, to be still.

Breathe into my soul, the peaceful quieting of knowing you.

Peace, be still, my aching heart.

Oh, how I often long after knowledge and quake at the hope of obtaining more.

May my heart be found silenced, at peace, in your knowing arms.

May my need be lessened until only found in you.

Your grace, deepened, until found awake in me.

My heart’s desire, to long after you;

To know, in the stillness, that I am found.

Not lost in the sound of the vanity, strife;

But fully awake in the stillness.

Peaceful knowing.

Growing in the hiddenness until due season,

Not yet risen to such a wonder as awe.

Roots grow in the dark and in the deep,

Beneath the surface,

Untouched and yet fully seeping with its promises within,

And the rainwater that falls and reaches them.


Barren trees, roots, and rain


To Be Still